Picture@Apolinário Pereira

This beautiful sculpture by Apolinário Pereira of Salao Coboi 
is called D riding the Beluga.
Salao Coboi is a collective of artists, producing magic and subversive sculptures, photos, and inks!
We saw their exhibition in Porto last summer and fell for their work! We first got one of their black and white drawings, and I discovered this one some time ago at home !!
Many thanks to B and Salao Coboi.

 Pictures@Apolinário Pereira

Cette magnifique sculpture de Apolinário Pereira de Salao Coboi s'apelle D riding the Beluga.
Salao Coboi est un collectif d'artistes
qui exploite différents médias, sculpture, dessins, encres, photos,
et leur production est magique et subversive.
Nous sommes tombés amoureux de leur travail alors que nous avons vu leur exposition l'été dernier à Porto.